Get real money when you promote our website. Register your free ac-count and share a link on your website, social media, game server or with your friends. We pay you up to 200 RMB forevery 1000 clicks. Enjoy live statistics and daily payments!
Get real money for showing ads. Register your free account and publish ads on your website or game server. Insert the ad code on the place you want the ad to be displayed. We pay up to 200 RMB for every 1000 clicks. Enjoy live statistics and daily payments!
Do you want to earn more money? Easy. Just invite your friends using your unique invitation link. When your friend starts to use our system, you will receive 5% of your friends earnings. You don't have to do anything except inviting, our system takes care of the rest.
Our unique system is updated in real-time - without any delay. Just relax and see your earnings increase right in front of your eyes. Our smart system also lets you know how you can increase your earnings, login to your account to know more about this feature.
We send payments every day with PayPal. We don't have any minimum cashout limit, just login to your account and exchange your earned points into real money. Request a cashout, and view your payment status in real-time.
Our professional team is always available to help you with any questions. All questions, thoughts and suggestions are always welcome. Just fill out the contact form and we promise to get back to you shortly. Thank you for your message.